Arts & Athletics
The Brighton School’s Arts and Athletics programs not only help our students express their unique talents, but also create lasting friendships built on collaboration, sportsmanship and school spirit in an encouraging environment that cultivates expression.

Creative Movement
Our creative movement program focuses on encouraging creativity and developing gross motor skills through music. The students explore various creative movement styles through the use of activities, games and dances. The class integrates strength, spatial skills, rhythm and flexibility while interacting with others in a playful environment.

While many schools are eliminating recess, The Brighton School believes it is an integral part of the school day. Recess helps the students be more attentive and productive in the classroom. The free-play that comes along with recess is crucial to a child’s cognitive, social and emotional development. For these reasons and many more, The Brighton School has two recesses each day, 30 minutes after snack time in the morning and 30 minutes after lunch. The students go outside, weather permitting and engage in a variety of activities, such as use our climbing structures, swings, play basketball, play soccer, dig in the sandbox, build snowmen and snow forts, and interact in imaginative play with their peers. There are always two classroom teachers outside at recess to help the students physically and socially navigate the playground.
Physical Education
The physical education program introduces students to a wide range of individual and group skills that improve different motor abilities. In addition to sports skills, students engage in agility activities such as hula hoops, motor rhythm games, balancing and obstacles. Through weekly classes, students acquire age appropriate fundamental skills, an understanding of rules and strategy, and an appreciation of cooperation. Teamwork, fair play and sportsmanship are always stressed. The physical education program helps promote healthy lifestyles by developing a student’s lifelong positive attitude toward physical activity through engaging and fun games and activities.
Students at The Brighton School participate in music class every week. Students are exposed to a variety of musical styles and concepts. All students experience music through both singing and movement. Major goals of the music curriculum include: appreciation of different styles of music, basic knowledge of notes, understanding of tempo, pitch, beat, and harmony, and memorizing songs. Students have the opportunity to participate in several performances a year including a holiday sing-a-long, a talent show, a musical, and a graduation ceremony. Overall, Brighton School students share the joy of music by singing and performing with their classmates in a way that encourages and celebrates individuality and uniqueness.
Art Education
Art education is an integral part of the learning process. The teaching of art expands the student’s appreciation and creativity in all academic areas. The Brighton school art curriculum is sequential; each year develops learning from that which was previously taught. All students attend art class taught by a specialist teacher once a week. Many of the art lessons often intertwine thematic units from core class studies. The students work to produce, explore and create various forms of art. In the spring, there is an Art Show where the artists (students) display their amazing work from the year.

Creative Movement
Our creative movement program focuses on encouraging creativity and developing gross motor skills through music. The students explore various creative movement styles through the use of activities, games and dances. The class integrates strength, spatial skills, rhythm and flexibility while interacting with others in a playful environment.

While many schools are eliminating recess, The Brighton School believes it is an integral part of the school day. Recess helps the students be more attentive and productive in the classroom. The free-play that comes along with recess is crucial to a child’s cognitive, social and emotional development. For these reasons and many more, The Brighton School has two recesses each day, 30 minutes after snack time in the morning and 30 minutes after lunch. The students go outside, weather permitting and engage in a variety of activities, such as use our climbing structures, swings, play basketball, play soccer, dig in the sandbox, build snowmen and snow forts, and interact in imaginative play with their peers. There are always two classroom teachers outside at recess to help the students physically and socially navigate the playground.

Physical Education
The physical education program introduces students to a wide range of individual and group skills that improve different motor abilities. In addition to sports skills, students engage in agility activities such as hula hoops, motor rhythm games, balancing and obstacles. Through weekly classes, students acquire age appropriate fundamental skills, an understanding of rules and strategy, and an appreciation of cooperation. Teamwork, fair play and sportsmanship are always stressed. The physical education program helps promote healthy lifestyles by developing a student’s lifelong positive attitude toward physical activity through engaging and fun games and activities.

Students at The Brighton School participate in music class every week. Students are exposed to a variety of musical styles and concepts. All students experience music through both singing and movement. Major goals of the music curriculum include: appreciation of different styles of music, basic knowledge of notes, understanding of tempo, pitch, beat, and harmony, and memorizing songs. Students have the opportunity to participate in several performances a year including a holiday sing-a-long, a talent show, a musical, and a graduation ceremony. Overall, Brighton School students share the joy of music by singing and performing with their classmates in a way that encourages and celebrates individuality and uniqueness.

Art Education
Art education is an integral part of the learning process. The teaching of art expands the student’s appreciation and creativity in all academic areas. The Brighton school art curriculum is sequential; each year develops learning from that which was previously taught. All students attend art class taught by a specialist teacher once a week. Many of the art lessons often intertwine thematic units from core class studies. The students work to produce, explore and create various forms of art. In the spring, there is an Art Show where the artists (students) display their amazing work from the year.
Where Bright Minds Come Together
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