After School Program
The after school program at The Brighton School is much more than just afternoon supervision. It is a time for students to socially interact with fellow students and to participate in a variety of activities. Students are provided areas to socialize, play and relax. Some children just like to find a quiet corner to read. While others enjoy being part of a soccer game outside. Whatever activity they choose, The Brighton School’s after school program invests in the whole child, engaging the students and fostering positive growth.

Mondays/Tuesdays/Thursdays/Fridays 3:00-5:30 and Wednesdays 12:30-5:30
The Brighton School’s after school program is an extension of The Brighton School and offers an enriching experience to students in need of supervised care after the school day ends. The program is in session every afternoon on regularly scheduled school days. It will not be available holidays, school vacations, or snow days.
Some of the activities that will be offered include:
Homework Club
Homework Club is a supervised program for students to have a quiet place to work and read. All students in grades 1 – 5 will participate in Homework Club. Teachers will be available to help the students with their assignments.
Music Lessons
Mrs. Landry, The Brighton School’s music teacher, will be offering private and group instruction in keyboard and ukulele on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons (requires additional fee).
Story Time
Every day a teacher will choose a story relevant to an upcoming holiday or season and share it with the students. An extension activity or project may follow.
Outside Activities
Weather permitting, students will go outside every afternoon. Some outside activities include playing on the playground, structured games, picnics, nature walks around the property, building snowmen, and sandbox play.
Arts and Crafts
The students will have the opportunity to create many different projects using various art materials such as watercolors, finger paints, markers, crayons, clay etc.
Students work together to explore board games, puzzles, block building, marble runs, Legos, and much more.
Computer Activities
There will be some time set aside for “free choice” in the computer lab. This will be monitored by a teacher. This is a great time for students to work on their coding or a Scratch project they still need to finish.
Providing there are no food allergies, the students may participate in simple hands on cooking classes. When possible, these lessons will tie in with the current thematic units in the classrooms.
Students must bring an afternoon snack with them to school. Milk is available for $.25 a cup. On Wednesdays, students must also pack a lunch. All of the after school students will eat lunch together in the multi-purpose room.
Students must be enrolled in the program to attend. To enroll simply complete the attached enrollment form and return it with the yearly enrollment fee of $30 per student. Even if your child will only be attending occasionally, you must complete the enrollment form and pay the fee.
You will receive an after school calendar the month prior. We urge you to fill in the days/times you would like your child enrolled and return payment with the calendar prior to the start of the month. We do understand that times and days may change and last minute daily enrollments may occur.
3:00-5:30 p.m.
12:30-5:30 p.m.
Wednesdays Only
12:30-3:00 p.m.
3:00-4:00 p.m.
12:30-4:00 p.m.
If you enroll your child every day for the 5:30 p.m. time you will receive a 10% discount.
Where Bright Minds Come Together
Interested parents should inquire here